Important Announcement from TWRCAA (2020/6/18)

Recently, we have received queries from the public and companies about our involvement of the activity to be held by Taiwan Gay Sports and Taiwan Gay Development Movement Association (referred as “TGSMA”) at Liberty Square on June 28th, 2020. The activity is not held by Taiwan Rainbow Civil Action Association (referred as “TWRCAA”). Furthermore there is no connection between the activity and 2020 Taiwan LGBT Pride either. Therefore, TWRCAA can’t answer any question of the activity details, like the route, on behalf of TGSMA.


針對近日有民眾及商家來信詢問,關於「台灣同志運動發展協會」預計在 2020/6/28 於自由廣場舉行活動一事,該活動並非由臺灣彩虹公民行動協會(下稱本會)所主辦,亦與 2020 臺灣同志遊行無涉,且雙方並無進行任何形式之合作,故有關該活動之路線等細節,恕本會無從代為答覆。